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  • Delectable Poison
    Now I wouldn’t consider myself a religious person by any means. That’s not to say I didn’t experience some kind of apprehension not unlike that which boiled within Christ on the eve of his crucifixion. I was mortified at the ghastly image that formed in my mind’s eye, and yet, all I could see was…More
  • What We Shared
    The first thing that came into his mind every day was the recollection of the sound produced by the machines. A living entity that beat its ragged hunger into his mind as soon as he regained consciousness. He was willing to learn, and willing to conceive of new things in the bosom of a fresh…More
  • Bridge Killer
    The war had been protracted and claimed many lives. Many soldiers departed their homes clutching meals prepared by their loved ones, never to reappear. Between many battlegrounds sat villages, not unlike one the boy was from, which had been incinerated by firebombs, or dissected by bullets, then pillaged, scorched, and desecrated. His village was peculiar,…More

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